The Jay-Z / Coldplay mash-up has, as already mentioned, garnered quite a bit of attention from various music media outlets, and it was even mentioned by Chris Martin himself. Albeit a little cryptic because of copyright laws and such, Martin said he enjoyed listening to it, and indirectly encouraged you to go download and give it a spin. The remixes were done by two DJ’s who call themselves Mick Boogie and Terry Urban, and you can download the entire thing at the official Viva La Hova website.
A similar project I stumbled upon by accident is called Death Cab for Hova, and it’s essentially the same concept, but instead of Coldplay it mixes Jay-Z songs with the melodies and lyrics of Death Cab for Cutie. The mixing itself doesn’t sound quite as fluid and well done as the ones on Viva La Hova, but in my opinion Death Cab for Cutie’s songs pair better with hiphop than those from Coldplay. The mixing was done by a guy who goes by alias of DJ An-log, and you can read more about it and listen to the tunes here. I’m especially fond of the mix of Crooked Teeth and Encore called, appropriately enough, Crooked Encore, so be sure to check it out!
[via Coldplay Music via silent sound waves]