Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010


Agria is the game design project I'm doing audio and music for this year. Check out the video and more at

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Barz N Tone

D Jones, the rapper, teacher, and documentary film maker, is undoubtedly one of the most interesting and talented people I've met at Ohio University. He got me the gig spinning hip-hop shop and this weekend we hosted the Spacement's first hip-hop show.
DysFunktional Family, Doxcity, SSTRES, Jean P and DJ Shadowcat were all in attendance. Great Lakes Crew couldn't make it. Here's some amazing video by Sixseed:

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Spooktober Doc

There's some great footage from the Spacement as well as some shots of my unattended DJ rig in this minimentary about Athens band Spooktober.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

A great video of my Mom, Gloria, painting. Check it out!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Monday, March 1, 2010

DJ Workshops

Presenter: Patrick Giguere and Andrew Logan
Dates: March 4th & 12th
Times: 1:30 – 4:30pm
Location: 227 Putnam Hall

Over the past 4 decades DJing has evolved from simply playing records over the airwaves to an internationally recognized art form. From turntablism ( using a turntable as an instrument by manipulating records in a way that creates percussive elements and other sounds not present on the record) to creating mash-ups ( i.e. Girl Talk) this practicum will give students the opportunity to learn about the cultural history of DJing while providing a hands-on environment to learn the essential skills of DJing. From set-up and signal flow to scratching and mixing, we will cover and practice all the various types of DJing elements. Some of the equipment and programs used will be turntables, mixers, CD tables, Kaoss pad, Traktor, Reason and Ableton Live. Come experience the culture of DJing with Pat the Cat and DJ Anlog.

[Via Ohio University's @Lab]

A Pity Party

Friday The Spacement hosted a benefit for Haiti, raising $115 for Doctors w/o Borders! Five Deadly Venoms, Spooktober, Sandcrawler, The Professionalisms, and the BustedBASS afterparty were all incredible.