Monday, September 20, 2010

New Funky Pyramix!

This is the first mix I've put out in a while and it's a good one!
DJ Anlog's Classic Funk vs. Old School Hip-Hop
Click here to view old episodes or paste the link into iTunes' Advanced>Subscribe to Podcast dialogue to subscribe!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Spacement Relic: Whale Zombie Guestlist Video

Video keeps rolling out of The Spacement despite the fact that... we don't live there anymore. Here's the ACRN guestlist with Whale Zombie shot in The Spacement in late May (early June?). Chris Lute muses on the importance of playing with other groups, recording an album and not sounding like The Postal Service...
Thanks to Paolo, Joe, Dani, Alex and the rest of the ACRN Crew!

Guest List Episode 11: Whale Zombie from

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Animal Magazine EP

Joel, Mike and Justin from Animal Magazine have spent around 30 hours this week recording and mixing their nine track EP at my studio in Alexandria. Here's a preview: Nosferatu in Colonial Williamsburg.